Benarkah Dia Pasangan Hidupku?

Benarkah Dia Pasangan Hidupku?

Views : 18167 | Wed August 3rd, 2016
Choosing our life partner and starting marriage together is the most important decision to make in our lives. It takes a great deal of humility to rely on God in making this decision, rather than following our own desire. When we make poor decision on such a crucial matter, we might find ourselves in many troubles and issues.

This was exactly what Yuni experienced. She confessed to CBN Counseling Center that she had been living together with a man who was not yet tied in marital bond with her. When deciding to live together, they did not think it through and decided to force their desire while disregarding God. This proved to be a trouble to them later on. Although financial trouble was cited as the reason for postponing their marriage, living together with someone with whom we are not married is still wrong. Fortunately, Yuni came to realize and admitted her mistake. Ever since she consulted with CBN Counseling Center, Yuni always brought her struggle in prayer and discussed it with her husband. Can Yuni fix her mistake and tie a holy bond of marriage before the Lord? You can find the answer in this article
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Yuni s story was quite different from Jacob in West Papua, who discovered the true character of her husband only after they were married. The life partner he had been waiting for turned out to be a person with drinking issue and abusive tendency. Again, thanks to the prayer with the CBN Counseling Center team, a miracle took place and her husband was transformed by God into a better person. He has decided to leave all his bad habits behind and to get closer to God and his family.

Never rely on your own in deciding to lead a life together with your partner. It is crucial to pray to God beforehand to ask for His wisdom.

There are still a lot of people out there who are struggling with marriage or finding the right partner. They don’t understand that God has made a promise to save the best person for them. And when they take the wrong step, God is still able to restore their lives as long as they believe and fully rely on Him.

You can help spreading this joyful promise to them by joining us as a CBN Partner. By becoming a partner, you will help support our program dedicated for helping those who are in trouble through our 24/7 CBN Counseling Center. Visit this link or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960.
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