Please Forgive Me Mom
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Mon April 25th, 2016
Among sixteen Pixar Animation Studios’ movies made recently, eight of them won Oscars as best animation. One of which is Brave, which tells the story of Merida, a princess who enjoys adventure and fighting. Merida often gets into argument with her mother, which leads to an accident that transforms her mother into a bear. From the beginning to the end, Brave conveys a moral message of the importance of forgiveness to its target audience: children.
Pixar has once again attained success through lighthearted stories that is also full of good moral teachings through amazing animation. But do you now that the movie takes seven years to make? The long process it takes for a success to happen is not so different with CBN, which has undergone a series of long processes to make the seven animation titles of Superbook. The process starts with determining which story of the Bible is to be adapted, and deciding how it is going to be animated using 3D. The goal is for the tales in the Bible to become more accessible and fun to watch for kids across the globe. For example, in the story of the twins, which depicts the conflict between Esau and Jacob. This episode contains values of forgiveness as well. By watching this episode through Superbook Sunday School curriculum, kids can easily learn about how to forgive.
Not only watching it, the value was put to practice by Sean, a 6-year old kid in a kindergarten in Harapan Indah Bekasi, West Java. Sean also attends Sunday-School in a church which implements Superbook curriculum. On March 27 2016, Sean and his sister Joy were brought by their mom, Santi to attend Sunday-School session in their church. There, they watched the story of Esau and Jacob and learned the value of forgiveness. At the end of the session, Martha, one of the instructor asks the kids “who among you are mad at someone at this moment?” Sean raised his hand immediately; he said that he was mad at his mom early that morning because his mom was angry at him for being late to prepare to go to the Sunday-School. After the explanation, Martha asked Sean once again if he would like to apologize to her mother for his mistake. Sean immediately responded with a ‘yes’, before running to her mother and hugging her saying “I’m sorry mom.” His mom was really touched with Sean’s action.
Even in such a young age, a boy like Sean can apologize without reluctance. Even Martha who witnessed Sean’s action at that time felt really touched, because Sean did it so spontaneously, without anyone prompting him to do so. This shows just how much Sunday-School contributes to building good characters in children, especially through Superbook Sunday-School program and curriculum that teaches the values of the Bible in a very entertaining and engaging way.
The theme of CBN service this year is United to Build: Radical Action to Raise Up the Next Generation. Superbook Sunday-School is among the programs that CBN implement to realize this theme. Others are Generasi Zeru, a program whose aim is to make disciple the youth in Indonesia.
Do not only stand by and watch, let us act today to raise a generation who put to practice the values of the Bible. Support Superbook Sunday-School, Generasi Zeru, and other CBN programs by joining us as a CBN partner. Send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960 or by filling in this form below. We will send you a special package as a token of appreciation for your first donation as a CBN Partner.