The Meaning behind the Alabaster Jar of Perfume

The Meaning behind the Alabaster Jar of Perfume

Views : 836 | Mon April 17th, 2017
“Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?
Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.”
“You have judged correctly,” Jesus said.” – Luke 7:41-43

Through this parable, Jesus compared the deeds of Simon, a Pharisee, and the love of a woman who was known as a sinner (1 Corinthians 7: 36-50). In this story, Simon realized love in a limited way, by inviting Him to a dinner at but not treating Him with respect. The woman, on the other hand, treated Jesus unexpectedly with a great respect by anointing Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume. Many considered what she did as wasting an expensive item, but Jesus saw it as an expression of a great love.

Simon and the woman greeted Jesus by their own conscience and understanding about love and forgiveness that they received. Jesus’ death on the cross is a proof of a true salvation granted by God to every single one of us. This is also a proof of how great God’s love is for every single one of us. Now, the question is, how can we appreciate the meaning of this salvation? Do we consider it a great forgiveness or a small one? Are we like Simon or the woman?

We present our offerings not as means of achieving salvation, but rather because we have been redeemed by his sacrifice on the cross. We have to celebrate our salvation by giving the best offering for Him. Are you also willing to offer the best for God? You can do so today with CBN. Join us today as a CBN Partner and support us through monthly donation so you can serve as a channel of blessing for those who are struggling or burdened in their lives. Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960. Make sure to confirm your donation and we’ll send you a special thank-you gift as a token of our appreciation.
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