Humans cannot control what happen around them. But they can control what happen the aspects of themselves; this is something we often refer to as self-control. ... read more
#Forgiving #hurt #hated #control #friend #retaliation #pain #forgiving #recovered #heartache #self-control #true story #jawaban.comSebanyak 513 pokok doa telah didoakan di acara Mitra Prayer Day! Dimana 42% diantaranya minta didoakan untuk perekonomian, bisnis, dan pendidikan. ... read more
#Berdoa #Mujizat #Ekonomi #Bisnis #Pendidikan #Kesehatan #Keluarga #Keturunan #Keselamatan #Keterikatan #Jawaban #Berperang #Pasangan Hidup #Pokok Doa #Mitra CBN