They really appreciated the story in the episode they watched, and their enthusiasm was high. Although they occasionally laughed to the funny parts of the story ... read more
#Watching together #nobar cell-group #solusi #tangerang women prison #women prison #testimony #true story #outreach coverage #nobar cell-group coveraeBesarnya hasil kebun kakek dan nenek ini tidak hanya bisa dijual di pasar saja, tapi juga bisa memberkati orang-orang di desanya dengan membagikannya secara... ... read more
#Berkebun #Memperbaiki #Taman Hati #Pertobatan #Akar pahit #Kepahitan #Kecewa #Kasih Tuhan #Kesaksian #Kisah Nyata #Solusi #Sahabat 24 #Pertolongan Tuhan