Every person is bound for a journey, be it a journey to their office, recreational spot, a restaurant, or other places. Because of that, we can conclude that... ... read more
#Journey #destination #goal #moving #place #location #miracle #home #dream #residence #answer #wait #support #installment #mortgage #bank #sahabat 24 #true storySuatu hari ketika Yosa sedang membuka internet, ia menemukan website Solusi dan menyaksikan banyak kisah nyata orang-orang yang bertobat. ... read more
#Dosa #Onani #Kebiasaan #Dampak #Efek #Terikat #Pertolongan #Identitas #Dipulihkan #Bertobat #Termotivasi #Solusi #Jarak #Pemberontak #Melawan #Sahabat 24 #Anak Muda #Kisah Nyata