Jangan menyerah ketika Tuhan belum menjawab doa Anda, karena walaupun demikian, Ia akan memberikan Anda kekuatan untuk melalui badai tersebut. ... read more
#Kehidupan #Penyakit #Sembuh #Mujizat #Pertolongan #Kekuatan #Operasi #Terapi #Beriman #Solusi #Harapan #Kecelakaan #Pulih #Patah Tulang #Kisah Nyata #Sahabat 24.Because of the accident, Uli had trouble even to walk normally. The condition had Uli go through a series of surgeries and therapies to heal her leg. ... read more
#Life #disease #healed #miracle #assistance #strength #surgery #therapy #faithful #solusi #hope #accident #recover #bone fracture #real-life story #sahabat 24.