There are plenty of recent bullying cases lately, like the case of Hilarius Christian Event Raharjo. Hila was a victim of a certain fighting tradition between.. ... read more
#Bullying #stupid human #Hilarius #student #Ada Band #RTV #Generasi Zeru #Teman Zeru #Liputan6 SCTV #school fighting #CBN partner“Hai kakak Generasi Zeru, aku mau curhat kak. Aku itu merasa apa yang aku lakukan selalu salah di mata mama. Sepertinya ya kak, apa yang sudah aku lakukan itu b ... read more
#Kesempatan #Pengampunan #Pertobatan #Pemulihan #Hubungan Ibu dan Anak #Kesaksian #Curhat #Teman Zeru #Generasi Zeru #Hubungan Keluarga #Kesempatan Kedua #Chatting ZeruTry to apologize to her sincerely and avoid repeating the same mistake. She may not give you a second opportunity. Once you go to college and live far from her, ... read more
#Opportunity #forgiveness #repentance #recovery #relationship #mom and daughter #testimony #sharing #Teman Zeru #Generasi Zeru #family relationship #second chance #chatting zeruSukses mengadakan training di beberapa kota di Indonesia, Generasi Zeru Movement membuat gebrakan di selatan Indonesia, yaitu provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Trai ... read more
#NTT #Pulau Rote #Generasi #Generasi Zeru #Training #Report #Liputan Zeru #Identitas #Mentoring #Pelatihan #Kegerakan Anak Muda