Benar saja mujizat terjadi! Berselang 3 bulan setelahnya, ada seorang hamba Tuhan datang mendoakan Ibu Elan, dan seketika itu ia dapat berjalan. ... read more
#Sakit #Penyakit #Diabetes #Luka #Busuk #Doa #Pertolongan #Opname #Demam #Bengkak #Kaki #Amputasi #Operasi #Perawatan #Mujizat #Kesembuhan #Kisah Nyata #Rumah Sakit #Sahabat 24Diabetes mellitus is a disease with high risk of complication. Among which is the risk of ulcus diabeticum, also known as diabetic leg ulcer, which causes... ... read more
#Ill #disease #diabetes #wound #rotten #prayer #help #fever #swollen #leg #amputation #surgery #treatment #miracle #healing #true story #hospital #sahabat 24